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The Consevative Caucus of Delaware, Inc. is a non-profit, education-based organization, founded in 1984 to promote the conservative viewpoints on issues, such as fiscal responsibility, lower taxes, right to life, religious liberty, strong defense, educational freedom and the right to self-government.


To that end, please join us as we advocate for reforms and champion the actions of those that work tirelessly to educate and mobilize like-minded citenzendry to do their part to bring about change.



On a regular basis, we'll be reviewing legislation from the General Assembly that either beneficially or adversely impacts Delawareans.  Democrats control both chambers of the General Assembly and are posed to push their social justice agenda, along with increased taxes and increased spending. Legislative Hall - 302-744-4114 - Click for Website 



Senate Bill 64 - Sen. Hocker (R. 20th) and Rep. Shupe (R. 36th) will be introducing this bill to take a portion of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)-generated funds and return them to Delawareans in a pro rata amount via a rebate program. Additional details will be forth- coming once the bill is finalized.

If SB 64 does not become law, Senate Bill 65 will be introduced and remove Delaware from RGGI. Democrat laws, regulations and mandates are making energy more expensive for Delawareans.​​

Senate Bill 65 

Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 41 would ban the use of Red dye 3. According to the synopsis, "This Act is a substitute for Senate Bill No. 41. Both this Act and SB 41 ban the manufacture, sale, delivery, distribution, holding with the intent to sell, and offering for sale in Delaware of food that contains Red dye 3 (CAS no. 16423-68-0). After the release of SB 41, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revoked the authorization to use Red dye 3 in food and ingested drugs under the Delaney Clause of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The Delaney Clause prohibits FDA authorization of a food or color additive if it has been found to induce cancer in humans or animals. This substitute retains the prohibition against Red dye 3 in food products to ensure it will remain banned in the State of Delaware."

The primary sponsor is Sen. Buckson (R. 16th) who said, ““Red Dye 3 poses unnecessary risks to the health of our residents, especially children. This bill prioritizes public health by removing harmful additives from our food supply.” Additional sponsors are Reps. M. Smith (R. 16th) and Hilovsky (R. 4th). Co-sponsor is Sen. Lawson (R. 15th) and Reps. K. Johnson (D. 5th), Morrison (D. 27th), Ross Levin (D. 10th), Shupe (R. 36th), K. Smith (D. 15th), and Wilson-Anton (D. 26th).                          

The Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) publishes data on all Delaware public schools, currently known as School Performance Data Reports. House Bill 29 would require that the DDOE make this school performance data more transparent and more accessible to the public online. The primary sponsor is Rep. Shupe (R. 36th). Additional Sponsor is Sen. Buckson (R. 16th), and co-sponsors are Reps. Hilovsky (R. 4th), Morrison (D. 27th), Michael Smith (R. 22nd) and Sens. Lawson (R. 15th) and, Pettyjohn (R. 19th).

Rep. Shupe (R. 36th) introduced another public school related bill, House Bill 32 which seeks permanent funding to place school resource officers or constables in every Delaware public school. Specifically, the measure would ensure that at least one officer is in every public school, including charter schools, regardless of enrollment. The legislation would also provide additional officers for those facilities with over 1,000 students. Sen. Dave Lawson (R. 15th) is an additional sponsor, and co-sponsor is Rep. Tim Dukes (R. 40th).

OPPOSE - These are bills from the 153rd General Assembly, and from previous General Assemblies. 

House Bill 140 - the End of Life Options Act. Rep. Morrison has re-introduced this bill. Additional Sponsors are Reps. Minor-Brown (D. 17th), K. Williams (D. 19th), Ross Levin (D. 10th), Gorman (D. 23rd), and Sen. Townsend (D. 11th). Co-Sponsors are Reps. Osienski, (D. 24th), K. Johnson (D. 5th), Lynn (D. 31st), Romer (D. 25th), Neal (D. 13th), Snyder-Hall (D. 14th), Burns (D. 21st) and Sens. Sokola (D. 8th), Hansen (D. 10th), Lockman (D. 3rd), McBride (D. 1st), Huxtable (D. 6th), and Hoffner (D. 14th). McBride, who’s leaving the General Assembly in a few weeks, still wants his name on this evil bill.
In an email, dated December 22, 2024, Morrison stated that he is “honored to have taken over HB 140 from [his] retired colleague and friend Rep. Paul Baumbach (D. 23rd). HB 140 would establish end-of-life [aka suicide] options for Delawareans. 

House Bill 13 - Personal Income Tax Increase. According to the synpoptsis, "This Act adjusts the existing tax brackets and the tax rate for each bracket, combining some existing brackets and creating 2 new brackets. The 2 new brackets are taxed at the highest rates, but by combining some existing brackets, this Act also slightly increases or decreases the tax rate for some incomes. Under current law, taxable income in excess of $60,000 is taxed at a rate of 6.6%. Under this Act, for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2025, income between $60,000 and $125,000 will continue to be taxed at a rate of 6.6%, but income above $125,000 will be taxed as follows: 1. In excess of $125,000 but not in excess of $250,000, at 6.75%. 2. In excess of $250,000, at 6.95%. The primary sponsor is Rep. Lynn (D. 31st), additional sponsor is Sen. Hoffner (D. 14th) and co-sponsor is Rep. Morrision (D.27th).



Senate Bill 180 - Voting Rights for Felons. The following list paraphrases some of the changes that the dems want to make to the Delaware Constitution. The Act does the following:

(1) Prevents the General Assembly from denying the right to vote as a punishment for a crime.

(2) Removes the list of felonies resulting in permanent disenfranchisement.

(3) Prohibits requiring a criminal, who is convicted of a felony, from making any kind of monetary restitution before being allowed to vote.

(4) Makes a conforming change based on proposed changes in Section 2 of this Act.

(5) Updates the age at which a resident of this State is granted a right to vote to be 18 years or older.

(6) Removes the durational residency requirements necessary to qualify to vote in this State. A voter will still be required to be a resident at the time the voter registers.

Felonies are serious crimes, such as arson, armed robbery, murder, rape, statutory rape, receiving stolen goods, and carjacking. 

Forty-eight States severely restrict or permanently deny convicted felons from voting, based on the severity of the crime.  What Senator K.E.G. and the dems are doing is an aberration and completely unfair to the victims of serious crimes.  

The Primary Sponsor is Senator Gay (D. 5th). Additional sponsors are Sens. Pinkney (D. 13th), Sokola (D. 8th), Townsend (D. 11th), Lockman (D. 3rd), Hoffner (D. 14th), and

Sturgeon (D. 4th) and Reps. Harris (D. 32nd), Chukwuocha (D. 1st), Longhurst (D. 15th), Minor-Brown (D. 17th)Baumbach (D. 23rd), Bolden (D. 2nd)Dorsey-Walker (D. 23rd), Griffith (D. 12th), Lambert (D. 7th), Morrison (D. 27th), Neal (D. 13th), Parker-Selby (D. 20th), Phillips (D. 18th), Romer (D. 25th), and Wilson-Anton (D. 26th). A co-sponsor is Sen. Paradee (D. 17th). Amended on June 11, 2024

House Bill 230Medical Experimentation, Sterilization, and Mutilation of Children Act. This is a horrific bill. It will cause long-term physical, emotional and psychological damage to children and teenagers. It blatantly erodes parental rights by allowing Delaware to take custody of a child, whose parents will not authorize a sex-change for their child, protects medical “professionals” from the consequences of their experimentation on children and makes Delaware a destination for mutilation.

The primary sponsor is DeShanna Neal (D. 13th), who claims to be the first non-binary elected official. Additional sponsors are Sens. Gay (D. 5th), S. McBride (D. 1st) and Reps. Morrison (D. 27th), Heffernan (D. 6th). Co-sponsor is Rep. Baumbach (D. 23rd). Stricken in House, but has returned in another form as HB 346.

Senate Bill 305 is known as the Delaware Climate Change Solutions Act, and is the result of the Delaware’s Climate Action Plan in 2021.  This bill establishes a statutory requirement of greenhouse gas emissions reductions over the medium and long term. SB 305 failed to clear committee at the end of this term, but sponsors promise to return with "stronger legislation next year."  See Newsletter Highlights for additional information.

The primary sponsor is Sen Hansen, (D. 10th); additional sponsors are Reps. Heffernan (D. 6th), Dorsey Walker (D. 3rdh) and S. Moore, (D. 8th); and co-sponsors are Sens Gay (D. 5th), S. McBride (D.1st)Sokola (D. 8th)Sturgeon (D. 4th)Townsend (D. 11th) and Reps. Baumbach (D. 23rd), Chuwuocha (D. 1st), Cooke (D. 16th), Griffith (D. 12th)Lambert (D. 7th)Longhurst (D. 15th), Lynn, (D. 31st),  Matthews (D. 10th)Minor-Brown (D. 17th)Mitchell (D. 13th), Morrison (D. 27th)Osienski, (D. 24th) K. Williams (D. 19th)Wilson-Anton (D. 26th). (From the 151st General Assembly).

House Bill 74Breaking the Seal of the Catholic Confession. Regardless of whether one is a Roman Catholic or not, this is a chilling piece of legislation. The very idea that a bill can be proposed to attack the canonical obligations of priests is nothing less than shocking! Secular affirmation of this dictate was first recognized in People v. Philips, N.Y. Gen. Sess. 1813 (unpublished). In Phillips, the New York court held that free exercise of religion provisions would not force a Catholic priest to testify as to a confession made to him regarding a theft to do so would infringe upon the priest’s right to freely practice his religion.

The primary sponsor is Rep. Morrison (D. 27th). Additional sponsors are Sen. Poore (D. 12th) and Rep. Minor-Brown (D. 17th). Co-Sponsors are Sens. Gay (D. 5th), Hoffner (D. 14th), S. McBride (D. 1st), Sokola (D. 8th) and Reps. Baumbach (D. 23rd), K. Johnson (D. 5th), Phillips (D. 18th), and Romer (D. 25th).


All governments spending must be held to strict financially prudent standards. Unfortunately, there is a temptation to spend now and pay later. An example of the adverse consequences of an irresponsible policy is the challenge facing state and local governments over so-called "legacy costs" due to public employee retirees. State and local governments have promised to provide their workers with retirement income and health care benefits while failing to fund them out of current tax revenues. These costs have been placed on the backs of future taxpayers, who now face a rising tax burden that may be impossible to bear. Naturally, the public employee retirees expect that promises made to them will be honored. This practice and all similar practices must stop. Governments must live within their means; this can only be achieved if citizens exercise constant vigilance over government spending.


An individual has the right to enjoy the income from own's own labor. The current tax system places an unfair burden on working Americans, while nearly half of the population pays little or no income taxes at all.


The right to life, as contemplated in the Declaration of Independence and subsequently incorporated in the Fourteenth Amendment, recognizes that life is the First Right of Americans.  Moreover, no government resources shall be used to encourage, sanction, or assist the taking of human life from conception to natural death. 


The government should not be permitted to interfere with the freedom of individuals to pray to God; nor should there be any officially established religious or secular orthodoxy. The First Clause of the First Amendment clearly, "prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, ...."


The defense policy of the United States should be based on a goal of strategic and tactical supremacy on land, sea, air, and space.  Our foreign policy should have as its sole and overriding purpose, to safeguard the national interests of this country.   We are not the world's policeman.  


The right of the parents to define the conditions and content of their children's education must outweigh the power of government to interfere in the selection of textbooks and teachers, or to use the school to indoctrinate children with the political, cultural, and social objectives of government officials. We champion competition in education by eliminating the uneven playing field that sends our tax dollars only to government schools. We support the use of school vouchers and the like to achieve this goal


We encourage responsible stewardship of the environment. Too often, regulations are attempts to protect vested interests, even non-controversial regulations, such as hazardous waste disposal, are used by vested interests to stifle completion or exercise an undue burden on the right t to use one's property. 


Citizens have a right to the security pf their personas, their homes, and their property. It is The task of government is to protect law-abiding citizens from those who break the law. The goal of law enforcement should be to apprehend, punish, and isolate those who criminally violate the rights of others.  

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