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Here is an Opportunity to Help


Return Our Nation


to the Principles of the Founding Fathers!


There are many ways to lend your voice, your expertise, and your financial support of

The Conservative Caucus of Delaware.


Membership has its benefits.  

For only $25.00 a year,

you'll receive a quarterly newsletter with insightful commentary from experts in economics to updates on current Delaware issues.


Members also receive a discount for admision to the

Annual Banquet

and other events.


We do not sell or otherwise share our membership list.


Exercise your First

Amendment Rights!


We encourage members and non-members to submit articles for publication in our newsletter and on our Blog.  


Articles should run from 650 to 1,000 words written in Word format or in an e-mail sent to

Articles may be edited.  




Please consider making a donation to spread the Conservative message in Delaware. Your donations will be used to bring in well-known conservative speakers and continue to educate Delawareans about the value of conservative principles for our country.  No monies are used to pay any salaries or wages.


The Conservative Caucus of Delaware is a section 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization under the Internal Revenue Code. As such, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.

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Join The Conservative Caucus of Delaware for just $25 Per Year

All members receive our quarterly newsletter and a special membership price for our annual banquet and other events!

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